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Master Svietliy has been deeply studying religion, culture, and philosophy for more than twelve years. Over this time, he has been closely communicating and interacting with Monks, Yoga Gurus, Chakra Healers, Shamans, Healers, and Elders - some of the strongest spiritual people from all around the globe. From his journeys and these connections, he gets his inspiration and wisdom. He learns from the universe, interacting with it through symbols to form and share his intentions & help people grow and heal.


He has a truly transformational power about him. Your session with him will be so much more than a simple tattoo appointment. He incorporates sacred healing into his work, as you can see in his ceremonies pictured here. After beginning with an Energy Reading, he will manifest a powerful symbol for you. Then, in a sacred, meditative session, he uses the traditional stick-and-poke method to make this mark for you to carry with you in life. You can learn more in the video below. Email us, or connect with him to schedule a session!

Learn How Svietliy Shares His Blessings

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